SDNMT - The Goal Is To Make The Animals Happy - LP
SDNMT - The Goal Is To Make The Animals Happy - LP
SDNMT's third full-length album. In good spirits, relying on their intuition, but still subtly diverse and complex, they call it "The Goal Is To Make The Animals Happy". After experimenting with expanded line-ups and expanded possibilities, with a new penchant for songs and singing, and ready for all that embraces everyone and everything, SDNMT appear as a band that stood their ground: easy and relaxed, impressive and overwhelming. The privilege is ours.
The new SDNMT. There is singing, there are upfront vocals. Whereas on the band's previous album »If You Use This Software Often - Buy It« the vocals were but one of many instruments, they now confidently form the music's core or naturally tower around it in overpowering choir. Furthermore, SDNMT got physical. There are knocks and stamps and claps and the sound of many, making noise together. SDNMT fill all this with a collective's confidence that is far more evident here than on all of their previous recordings. They have learnt to deal with themselves and they have found ways of transforming their own motions into something moving.
CD comes in a beautifully crafted 6-sided upright Digi Sleeve.
/// Tracks
A01 Basses Basses
A02 26/20 (SOL Where Is It?)
A03 Sho-Ryu-Sdnmt
A04 Tears Don't Cry
A05 Still A Cool Pair Of Kicks
B01 Smallest Narrative Unit
B02 Waking The Forest
B03 Jazz™
B04 Time Is On My Zeit
B05 G.ranulat U.nd Z.ehren Y.allw